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Internet Security - Protect Yourself on the Internet

Internet security is the protection of your computer's Internet account, files and data from any attack or intrusion by an unauthorized user. Unauthorized access to a computer can occur when it connects to a network, and starts communicating with other computers. It is important to create a password and install Internet security software in order to avoid this. These are the top Internet threats that could seriously compromise a computer's security:

• Malware

• Worms

• Bots

• Spyware

• Trojans


These Internet threats can be combined and overlapped, which could cause severe damage to your computer and personal files. These threats are why these security programs are designed to detect and remove viruses and other malicious attacks that could easily penetrate your computer. You can download or purchase Internet security software via the Internet. You should choose the right Internet security software for you. Some programs are less effective than others in detecting and eliminating viruses or malware. You should be careful when downloading Internet security software. There are many websites that offer links to download security software. However, it could actually cause malware and viruses to your computer. Many Internets security software already includes antispyware and firewall Broadcom espada

Personal information Antispyware, firewall and anti-phishing protection are all part of Internet security software. They protect your data from hackers who constantly use the latest technology to gain access.

Restrictions for families- Parental controls allow you to block or restrict access to unacceptable websites and web contents that could harm your computer. This feature will protect your children against any online predators

Before downloading any software, it is important to consider the following:

Installation/Setup is easy

It should be simple to install and set up an Internet security program. To avoid any errors in installation or interference with other programs on the computer, it should be clear and concise.

It's easy to use

A web security program must be accessible to all users, regardless of their computer literacy. This includes the interface and the terminology that will allow the user to manage the software easily.

Additional security features

Reliable Internet security software should include additional Internet security programs such as anti-phishing, email scanning, IM scanning, parental controls, and anti-phishing.


Antispyware is a function of Internet security software that protects your computer from keyloggers, trojans and other threats.


A firewall protection is a feature that protects your computer from outside attacks or malicious Internet traffic. There are two types:

Hardware These devices are commonly called network firewalls. They are external devices that are placed between your computer and the internet. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and vendors offer networking devices such as routers that have a firewall already installed. Hardware-based firewalls offer additional protection Broadcom espada against Internet attacks because they are separate devices that run on their own operating systems.

Software These firewalls are part of the computer's operating systems. You may want to enable a firewall feature in your computer's operating systems. This will provide additional protection, even if you have an existing firewall. Antivirus

Security software should be able to scan your computer continuously for harmful viruses. You should also ensure that your antivirus software is regularly updated to detect new viruses, as these threats change constantly.