Internet connectivity is essential for all networkinfrastructures, regardless of their size, to allow for global communication.In some cases, email or messaging replaces fax systems in formal business communication.The fax system can now be integrated with networking applications, includingvoice over IP. The corporate web is essential for business recognition. They all require an internet connection and a computer network infrastructure.
While the benefits of internet connectivity are obvious toenable business communication, small businesses often overlook the threatsposed by the wild internet. Even enterprises and medium-sized businesses cannotprovide enough protection for the business network. To protect your businessnetwork, there are three key elements: patch management, firewall security software and network security software Broadcom españa
A hardware firewall is used at each entry point from theinternet to the internal network. The firewall is the single point thatcontrols all inbound traffic to the internet. The firewall must be configuredto deny inbound traffic, except for traffic that is specifically allowed or granted.The firewall acts as a front door to your house, preventing anyone from entering the house other than authorized personnel. A traditional firewall will not protect all threats, even those at the application level. It is impossible to stop all malicious software that flows from the internet into your private network. As an addition to the firewall, you will need additional security measures such as patch management and network security software.
You can use a variety of network security software to protectyour network from any threats, including patch management and antivirussoftware.
Centralized Antivirus Software
Did you know that each month hundreds, if not thousands, ofviruses and worms are introduced to the wild internet? We don't know how long ittakes for new viruses and worms to be sent out into the wild internet. Yourcomputers will be vulnerable to any new viruses or worms during this time.Implementing a central antivirus program for your network security software is crucial.
Many antivirus software is designed for companies orcorporate networks. There's a central antivirus server that automaticallyupdates the vendor's website with new signature updates. All computers in thenetwork will be able to download updates from the antivirus server, instead ofdownloading them directly from the vendor's site. This will significantly reduce latency.
Centralized Patch Management Server
Automatic updates are available from the internet to allWindows-based computers. Automatic updates from the Windows update serverwebsite are not recommended in large networks with Windows computers. Imaginehow many computers are downloading updates from the internet simultaneously.This will cause congestion on the internet and disrupt business availability. To save bandwidth, a central Windows update server in the corporate network can be a better option.
Microsoft provides a free Windows services update server(WSUS) that you can install on a server equipped with Active Directory. Theserver can be configured to automatically download updates from the internet.All computers connected to the network will receive the updates. You can saveyour internet bandwidth by not allowing windows updates to hog it.